John Deere 6630

Kein Bild
Dealer number ATC3097668
Pris med skatt 19 % 54.621 €
Pris uten skatt 45.900 €
Merke John Deere
Modell 6630
Årsmodell 2008
Timer 10900
Ytterligere informasjon
Type: Brukt maskin
Merke: John Deere
Modell: 6630
Årsmodell: 2008
Timer: 10900
Effekt (hk): 1 KW (1 HK)
Hastighet km/t: 40


Used John Deere all-wheel drive tractor
Front tires: 540/65R28 Petlas (100 %)
Tires h.: 650/65R38 Michelin (35 %)
Air conditioning, heating, ventilation
Driver's seat with air suspension
Front axle with suspension
Working lights front and rear
Rotating beacon
Air brake
Front loader
Automatic trailer coupling
Electronic linkage control
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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AGRAVIS Technik Center GmbH
Zernickow 20a
15306 Seelow

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us.

02504 / 888 65 20