Saphir GS L 24 VLS Scorpion Aufnahme

Dealer number 391005002000180FL
Pris med skatt 19 % 6.843 €
Pris uten skatt 5.750 €
Merke Saphir
Modell GS L 24 VLS Scorpion Aufnahme
Årsmodell 2023
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Type: Ny maskin
Merke: Saphir
Modell: GS L 24 VLS Scorpion Aufnahme
Årsmodell: 2023


2,40m working width, VLS pick-up for Claas Scorpion, hydraulic top grapple with 2 hydraulic cylinders, 6 tines, Kennfix hydraulic coupling
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH
Wichernstraße 2
27404 Gyhum-Bockel

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02504 / 888 65 20