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Brukte Carrier Cr 650 Såbedkombinasjoner

Modell: Carrier Cr 650 ×
Väderstad Carrier Cr 650 Syst Disc Aggr
Årsmodell 2023,
Antall: OSC3056527
AGRAVIS Technik Sachsen-Anhalt/Brandenburg GmbH, DE - 06901 Kemberg
This ad will be part of a soon coming auction.

35.581 €

Inkl. MVA 19 %

29.900 € Net

Väderstad Carrier Cr 650
Årsmodell 2023,
Antall: OSC3059282
AGRAVIS Technik Sachsen-Anhalt/Brandenburg GmbH, DE - 06366 Köthen
This ad will be part of a soon coming auction.

35.581 €

Inkl. MVA 19 %

29.900 € Net


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